Laura DeNormandie
Amy Kitmacher
Site Educator/ Interpreter
Anjali Kaul Zutshi
Chief Development Officer
Bailey Brantley
Educator and Interpreter
Billing Contact
Doito Bonotulshi
Exhibit Design & Project Management Specialist
Edward Lengel
Executive Director
Elizabeth Persinger
Jessica Paterson
Assistant Site Manager of Fulton Mansion
Jonathan Failor
Site Manager
Jonathan McMahon
Project Manager- Interpretive Writing Specialist
Karli Fields
office manager
Kathleen Hinojosa
HR Business Partner
Madeline Smith
Maggie Brown
Lead Educator/Interpreter
Mark Wolfe
Executive Director
Marsha Hendrix
Site Manager
Mike Lebens
Sara Nezamabadi
Tricia Blakistone
Program Specialist, Museum Services

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Historic Sites and Housing Affinity Group (HSHAG), Museum Emerging Leaders of Texas (MELT)